Solitaire Poker
Plataforma GameGear
Género Cartas; Puzzle
Distribuidor ASCII Corporation
Desarrollador FACE
Fecha de Publicación 1991
Soporte Multijugador 1-2 Jugadores
Detalles Personales
Índice 327
Estado Colección En Colección
Original Si
Condición Solo el Juego
Completado No
Detalles del Producto
Formato Cartucho
Idioma Inglés
Nr de Discos 1
Solitaire Poker. That's certainly an odd sounding combinasion, but that's exactly what it is. It's even more interesting that you realize that there is a touch of bingo in there too. Your objective is to draw face-down cards from one of four different piles and draw these cards into five different "hands" that are scored as traditional poker values. Hower the the hands may be scored in any combinasion... vertical, horizonal or diagonal on the game board... (where the bingo element comes into play).